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Statewide Data - Nurse Supply Reports

The Center analyzes nurse licensure and workforce survey data to evaluate changes in the state's nurse supply and to identify characteristics of the workforce. Our research has shown that Florida struggles to achieve significant gains in the nurse supply because massive amounts of nurses leave the workforce each year. Additionally, Florida's geographic and demographic diversity mean that growth and adequacy of the nurse supply vary substantially across regions of the state.

Reports are published every other year, following the completion of a full two-year license renewal cycle.  Earlier versions of reports can be obtained by Contacting the FCN.

For forecasts and strategies related to Florida's nursing shortage, please visit: Forecasts & Strategies page.

Florida's Nurse Supply, 2018-2019
Date: June 2020

Reports presenting demographic and employment characteristics of the nursing workforce in Florida for the 2018-2019 license renewal cohort.

Florida's Nurse Supply, 2016-2017
June 13, 2018

Reports presenting demographic and employment characteristics of the nursing workforce in Florida for the 2016-2017 license renewal cohort.

Florida's Nurse Supply, 2014-2015
Date: May 27, 2016

These reports present demographic and employment characteristics for Florida's nurse workforce from the 2014-2015 license renewal cycle. 

Florida's Nurse Supply, 2012-2013
Date: July 21, 2014

These reports present demographic and employment characteristics for Florida's nurse workforce from 2012-2013.

Title: Florida's Advanced Practice Nurse Supply, 2010-2011
Date: May 3, 2013

This report presents demographic and employment characteristics for Florida's Advanced Practice Nurse workforce, using data from 2010-2011.

Florida's Nurse Supply: 2010-2011

These reports present data on the characteristics of Florida's nurse workforce from 2010-2011. The reports include trend information on growth in the nurse supply, employment settings, and employment details for those working in the field of nursing.

Comparison of Florida's Nurse Population to the General Public, 2010
Date: May 24, 2011

This report compares the age, gender, and racial/ethnic diversity of Florida's nurse population to Florida's overall population. Variations by regions of Florida are also examined.

Florida's Nurse Supply: Growth, Demographics, and Employment Characteristics
April 27, 2010

These reports present data on the size and characteristics of Florida's nurse workforce as of January 2010. Included is information on growth in the nurse supply over time, employment details for those working in the field of nursing, and analysis of supply adequacy across the eight regions of Florida.

Estimates of the RN Workforce in Florida, 2009
Date: April 8, 2009

Provides estimates of the total RN workforce and number of full-time equivalent RNs in Florida; examines the size of the RN workforce by employment setting, age, gender, and region of the state.

Licensure Data Trends and Longitudinal Analysis 2007-2009
March 17, 2009

Evaluates change in the state's potential nurse workforce during calendar years 2007 and 2009 - the first full two-year renewal cycle tracked by the Center; presents technical details of data manipulation and analysis.


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Addressing Nurse Workforce Issues for the Health of Florida
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